Join the Donor Registry

Thank you for considering registering as an organ, tissue and eye donor. Your decision has the potential to save and heal hundreds of people in need and provides the opportunity for you to leave a legacy of kindness and generosity.

By registering as donor, you authorize donation to take place after your death. Please share your decision to become a donor with your friends and family. Registration serves as legal consent for donation. Your family will play an important part in supporting your decision and providing information that affects that outcome of your donation.

If you would like to update or remove yourself from the registry, access your account here.

Your Information

Fields marked with a * are required.


Residential Address

Contact Information

Your Donation

Conestoga High School

Your Password

Please provide a password that will allow you to view and update your information in the future. Your password must be eight characters long and include two of the following: capitals, numbers and/or symbols.